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Baracoda in 145 characters

Baracoda Daily Healthtech uses its IoT expertise to create innovative smart products that empower people to take control of their daily health.

Baracoda press kit

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Longer company description

Baracoda is a leader in Daily Healthtech. They infuse connected tech into the everyday routine — leveraging AI, data analysis, machine learning, app development, gamification, and more. Baracoda launches products and scale business alongside global market leaders, relying on a unique B2B2C business model. Their CES-awarded innovation model is driven by quantitative indexes, developed in-house to recognize daily habits that improve health and wellness.

Award-winning group

BMind Smart Mirror

BMind Smart Mirror

BHeart Health Tracking Bracelet

BHeart Health Tracking Bracelet

BCool Connected Thermometer

BCool Connected Thermometer

BBalance Smart Matscale

BBalance Smart Matscale

CareOS Themis Smart Mirror

CareOS Themis Smart Mirror

CareOS Poseidon Smart Mirror

CareOS Poseidon Smart Mirror

Mateo Smart Bath Mat

Mateo Smart Bath Mat

CareOS Artemis Smart Mirror

CareOS Artemis Smart Mirror

Kolibree Magik Smart Toothbrush

Kolibree Magik Smart Toothbrush

Kolibree Ara Smart Toothbrush

Kolibree Ara Smart Toothbrush

Want to know more about us?